Asif, E., (2021). How concrete and abstract marketing can affect home-buyers' mortgage decisions.
[Blog] Global & Strategic Marketing Research Centre Research and Innovation Blog, Available at:
The Highest Viewed Blog(2021)
Asif, E. Brakus, JJ. & Biraglia, A. (2022). “Abstraction Makes the (Fat) Cat Curious: How Message Abstraction and Financial Scarcity Affect Processing of Mortgage Ads”, Proceedings of SCP Boutique Conference on “Paucity in the Midst of Opulence: How Scarcity, Luxury, and Inequality Impact Consumer Behavior,” Honolulu, Hawaii.
Asif, E., Brakus, JJ. & Biraglia, A. (2022). “How large economic market shock and message abstraction affect consumer decision making for Mortgages: Evidence from Field Experiments in the USA”, Proceedings of 2022 AMA Winter Academic Conference, Las Vegas, USA.
Asif, E., & Papadopoulou, C. (2021). “We don’t have a planet B: Cross-cultural perspective of mindset effects of future climate belief”, Proceedings of the 2021 AMA Global Sig Conference, Taormina, Sicily.
Asif, E., & Papadopoulou, C. (2021). “An investigation into cross-cultural mindset effects on future climate beliefs”, Proceedings of the2021 AMS Virtual Annual Conference.
Asif, E., & Papadopoulou, C. (2020). “I want you to panic’: Cross-cultural perspectives on climate change scepticism”. Proceedings of 2020 Global Marketing Conference, Seoul, Korea.
Asif, E., Brakus, JJ. & Biraglia, A. (2020). "Curious Abstraction: How Message Abstraction and Financial Scarcity Affect Processing of Mortgage Ads". Proceedings of 2020 Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Paris, France.
Asif, E., & Plangger, K. (2016). “Cartoons as Advertising Media: An Experimental Study on Obesity Communication”, Proceedings of 2016 Global Marketing Conference, Hong Kong
“Abundant Curiosity: How concrete and abstract advertising can affect home buyers’ within abundant vs scarce mindsets mortgage decision making” Working Paper at Writing up Stage, with Professor J. Josko Brakus and Dr. Alessandro Biraglia.
Target Journal: International Journal of Research in Marketing (2022 CABS AJG rating: 4; Impact Factor: 4.513); Manuscript in preparation will be submitted by September
2023 (4 studies)
“How large-scale market shock and message abstraction affects customer decision making for Mortgages: Comparison of 3 Field Experiments in US’ Working paper and
Data Analysis in Progress, with Professor J. Josko Brakus and Dr. AlessandroBiraglia.
Target Journal: Journal of Consumer Psychology (JCP, 2022 CABS AJG rating: 4*; Impact Factor: 3.34); Working paper and Data Analysis in Progress will be submitted by December 2023. (4 studies).
Asif, E (2022). Press coverage of ‘How economic market shocks affect mortgage advertising’ in Daily Times (Mainstream National Newspaper):
Asif, E (2022). Press coverage of ‘How economic market shocks affect mortgage advertising’ in Daily Times (Mainstream National Newspaper):
Asif, E (2021). Press coverage of ‘Curious Abstraction: How Concrete and Abstract Marketing Effect Mortgage Decision Making’ in Pakistan Observer (Mainstream National Newspaper) Economy Watch:
King’s CollegeLondon-Research Assistant (December 2015 - August 2017)
International Labor Organization (UN Subsidiary)-Assistant Project Manager (R&D) (2009)
University of Leeds
53rd Annual AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium, ‘The Power of Marketing in a Dynamic Global Economy’, Leeds, UK, June 27-30 2018.
Global and Strategic Marketing Research Centre (GLOSMARC) Research Camp, Leeds University Business School, Leeds, UK, 6-7 July 2017.
Global and Strategic Marketing Research Centre (GLOSMARC) Research Camp, Leeds University Business School, Leeds, UK, 8-9 July 2019.
AMA (American Marketing Association (2020-Ongoing),
CIM (Chartered Institute of Marketing)-2016-2020,
APA (American Psychological Association) (2020-Ongoing),
APS (American Psychological Society) (2020-Ongoing),
SCP (Society of Consumer Psychology) (2019-Ongoing),
ACR (Association of Consumer Research) (2020-Ongoing),
GAMMA (Global Alliance of Marketing and Management Associations) (2020-Ongoing),
KSMS (Korean Academy of Marketing Science) (2020-Ongoing)